
How can I request to exceed the unit limit of 21.5 units per quarter?
You need to fill out the Petition for Excess Units form and meet with a counselor. The form can be found on http://www.foothill.edu/reg/forms.php If yo...
Fri, 13 May, 2016 at 11:19 AM
How can I clear a prerequisite hold?
You can take the placement test for Chemistry, English, ESL, or Math. If you have coursework from another college, fax your transcript (unofficial is ac...
Wed, 28 Dec, 2016 at 8:32 AM
How can I clear a probation hold?
It depends on the level of probation. Check for an email from Foothill, explaining the steps you need to take. Certain levels of a probation hold requir...
Fri, 13 May, 2016 at 11:20 AM
I want to know if the class I took at College “x” counts for Foothill College. What do I do?
To know if a class counts for a degree at Foothill College, please make an appointment to meet with a counselor. For some courses, you’ll have to fill o...
Fri, 13 May, 2016 at 11:21 AM
How many units do I need to get a Foothill College AA/AS degree?
90 or more degree applicable units, depending on the degree. See the list of degrees and the details for specific degrees. http://foothill.edu/programs/
Fri, 13 May, 2016 at 11:22 AM
What is the minimum math I need to get a degree from Foothill College?
Math 105, Intermediate Algebra. This proficiency may be met with a placement score higher than Math 105. Check with a counselor for more details.  Trans...
Fri, 13 May, 2016 at 11:22 AM
My counselor told me about a program called DegreeWorks. How can I learn more about it?
The Counseling 5 course will introduce you to the educational planning tool – DegreeWorks. You can also access DegreeWorks on your own.  DegreeWorks loo...
Fri, 13 May, 2016 at 11:23 AM
How do I access DegreeWorks?
Via MyPortal.fhda.edu. You can access DegreeWorks from any computer with Internet access at any time through your MyPortal.fhda.edu account. To ac...
Fri, 13 May, 2016 at 11:25 AM
I heard we need to have an online education plan for registration. Is this true?
To get priority registration, you will need to meet with a counselor to develop an educational plan. That educational plan will need to be in our online...
Fri, 13 May, 2016 at 11:25 AM